Technician Task

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About Technician Task


Technician Task

In Trakzee, assign tasks to technicians, and keep an eye on the progress in real time. Check the availability of the technicians, enter customer information, and specify the task.

To get started

  • Login to your account.
  • Go to Settings > Technician > Technician Task

The page you land on is the Technician Task overview page where you can have a look at all your technician task details.

To upload technician task

  • Click on the ➕ icon on the task bar.
    • Select Reseller from the dropdown menu.
    • Select Company from the dropdown menu.
    • Select Branch from the dropdown menu.
    • Select Technician from the dropdown menu.
    • Select Task Category from the dropdown menu.
      • Maintenance: Select Maintenance for maintenance task.

        • Enter the Task Name.
        • Select the Task Priority.
        • Enter the Description.
        • Select the Objects for maintenance.
      • Installation: Select Installation for installation task.

        • Enter the Task Name.
        • Select the Task Priority.
        • Enter the Description.
        • Enter the No. of Object for installation.
    • Enter the Contact Person details as asked.
    • Enter Service Location.
    • Select Planned Reporting Time.
    • Click on the save 💾 icon.